Launch of the ClimSA Knowledge Management Platform

Since 1st February 2023, ClimSA has a new knowledge-sharing tool available to all climate services professionals in 79 countries of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). This user-friendly, interactive platform enables the exchange of a wide range of information on weather and climate services and its application in the various socio-economic sectors, such as disaster risk reduction, water management, energy, health, agriculture and food security.

The ClimSA Knowledge Management Platform (KMP) networks eight Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) in the OACPS regions. It is organised into thematic and regional groups. Each RCC will create its community of practice at national and local level and will lead the dedicated regional group.

At the level of Africa for example, the platform will consolidate the exchanges of the different regional centres through a peer review committee set up by the African Union Commission.

The exchange of information and good practices specific to Small Island Developing States (SIDS) will be intensified among the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific regions.

This collaborative tool is an important qualitative leap in South-South cooperation to improve climate services and responses to climate adaptation challenges faced by African, Caribbean and Pacific states.

To register on the KMP, please consult the website link: