African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD): 2nd ClimSA Continental Steering Committee – Abidjan Ivory Coast from 18 – 20 May 2023

ACMAD has signed a subcontract with the African Union Commission, to implement the intra-ACP Climate Services and Related Applications Programme (ClimSA) at the African continental level.

The ClimSA Programme contributes to timely, appropriate data and information for policy, planning and action. Strengthening user interfaces, quality climate services, access to data, capacity building and mainstream climate information in development plans are the main outputs of the ClimSA Programme. It supports choices and decisions on the best adaptation options as stakeholders are facing to address climate variability and change impacts.

To ensure effectiveness in the implementation, the ClimSA grant agreement on ClimSA at ACMAD foresaw the establishment of the Continental Steering Committee whose members are composed of ACMAD Board of Governors, the representative of AUC, and EU Delegation to the African Union. The OACPS, ClimSA Technical Implementing Partners (WMO, EUMETSAT and JRC) and key representatives from the African universities, user associations are observers.  The third ACMAD ClimSA Steering Committee meeting discussed the second-year achievements, reviewed and approved the work plan and budget for 2023, year 3.