ACMAD: User interface platform for DRR emphasis on climate resilient infrastructure for Africa

African Center for Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD): User interface platform for DRR emphasis on climate resilient infrastructure for Africa

Climate Change is stressing costly infrastructure across Africa (roads, water reservoir destroyed, bridges broken and water flowing above…). In Africa, the risks associated to climate change are not integrated in infrastructure planning, design and development reducing life time and expected benefits over the theoretical operational life time of the infrastructure.  Investments in existing and planned infrastructure should include future climate scenarios for climate resilient design, building and operation. The infrastructure of the 21st century should provide socioeconomic and environmental benefits and contribute to adaptation to the impacts of climate change.

In response to the challenge of strengthening infrastructure resilience, ACMAD and partners of the intra-ACP Climate Services and related applications (ClimSA) programme have convened through the User interface platform for DRR, a meeting on 19th and 20th April 2023 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The ClimSA User interface platform for DRR put emphasis on climate services for infrastructure resilience in Africa to raise awareness for increase investments in infrastructure supporting climate adaptation through partnerships with Federation of African Organizations of Engineers (FAOE). This platform will become a permanent structure for exchanging knowledge to ensure a better application of climate information for climate infrastructure resilience in Africa.